Thursday, November 30


I now have these first 10 episodes archived to be viewable as MP4 files, higher quality and smoother picture than silly YouTube. So if you don't mind the download time you can watch all these episode (plus all the future ones I post) as Quicktime video, found under every YouTube window and on the sidebar "Episode List".

We've been having lots of fun filming these puppet shows, and your suggestions and comments are most appreciated and welcome. Any more advice would be great, cause I really don't know what I'm doing, but I'm confident that we'll get better as we go.

Here's some pics of our "behind the scenes" setup so far. This is Jacques' digital camera, it's the only one I could find that takes 640x480 @30fps for 8 minutes. Unfortunately once Jacques moves to Vancouver this January, I'll have to find a new video camera.

Here's my recently acquired monitor. The experts use these in abundance so that the puppeteer can watch him/herself while they act out their scenes to accurately see how the characters are interacting and to keep eye contact with each other. I just now found the appropriate cables for this ancient Commodore TV-monitor which I "acquired" from the animation college in Truro. I'm far from an expert but its the next step to using the proper equipment to capture some funny moments. We will be testing it this weekend.

I've been reading up on puppet show composition and puppeteering tricks lately to see what new things we can try. There's still lots of kinks to work out, but we're determined to up the pacing and humor. So keep visiting here every week to view more new footage. Thanks to everyone who's been watching our stuff, and if you have ANY suggestions or ideas for upcoming shows or would like to see the puppets do something funny or act out a particular scenario, just post the comments and we'll do our best to fulfill your requests.

1 comment:

CarolineJarvis said...

My family has high standards for me....

I get no respect.