Behind-the-Scenes footage can be quite fascinating, it seems to me that awesome-puppetry is a big, well kept secret. As well it should be, there's not as many shows & movies using puppetry anymore as there were 20 years ago, but watching these old clips offer glimpses of what goes on to make these amazing skits. It can be incredibly inspiring to witness some of the work that goes into making these. Here's a bunch of Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Sesame Street, Muppet Show and a bit of Avenue Q clips and interviews with cast and crews.
This blog is documenting the progress of a puppet troupe in the making. We have a love for the classic Muppet Show & Sesame Street series. We're self-taught in our endeavor to create web-episodes of our own wacky little puppet shows. So please visit every week to witness the development of our acts.
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