I've been attempting to setup some locations (beyond just the couch set) to have different rooms in our re-established Wippets Studios (code named Wippetscope). I'm not much of a set-builder, and the resources are limited for now, but I always wanted to make a typical sitcom-style set to have a couple Wippets living together (ala Bert & Ernie) in a crammed basement apartment.
Here's a quick video record, testing two different lighting schemes.
So here's the set. It's rare we can actually construct something that the puppeteers can actually walk around, so thanks to the taller ceillings, it looks like a crammed basement apartment of sorts. Still needs some work, I don't know anything about set dressing, but there's lots of old junk in this former animation studio, I've been salvaging things here and there. Notice the spongebo clock, posters for Secret World of Og, Incredibles, old school Spiderman, a print from Ian Gallant's Ghostbusters tribute watercolor art, a SuperGover image by Alex Ross, and even a ceramic cookie jar from the show Busytown Mysteries.
Here's the old Commodore monitor I've had from the beginning, a nicely setup little rig for the puppeteers under the table for this set.
Jerry laying on his re-structured set (very simple) for his newscast.
Here's just half of the desk lamps for lighting Jerry on his news anchor set, Don't worry I have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of electrical fire.
Here's couchy, he's back for now, we raised it up on a table so we don't have to crouch down like we did for the past couple years now, with a new textures bamboo-blinds background, and steps for any humans who wish to sit on the couch for a quick interview.
A little work bench, maybe brainstorm some new puppet designs? Repair old puppets, brainstorm new puppets? Just a desk for now, nice to have.
Where the puppeteers kneel down and work their magic. Behind ol' couchy we got a big old TV for our monitor, Cushions from another couch make for good padding.
So I guess I'm not so much "building" sets, as I am just piling stuff together till it looks like something, so I'll have more pics soon to show, soon we'll actually try to write stuff for the news anchor and apartment sitcom bits, 'ol couchy will be our regular "Wippet Snippet" stuff for generic skits. Writing is hard to do. Stay tuned for more stuff soon.
Behind-the-Scenes footage can be quite fascinating, it seems to me that awesome-puppetry is a big, well kept secret. As well it should be, there's not as many shows & movies using puppetry anymore as there were 20 years ago, but watching these old clips offer glimpses of what goes on to make these amazing skits. It can be incredibly inspiring to witness some of the work that goes into making these. Here's a bunch of Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Sesame Street, Muppet Show and a bit of Avenue Q clips and interviews with cast and crews.
This blog is documenting the progress of a puppet troupe in the making. We have a love for the classic Muppet Show & Sesame Street series. We're self-taught in our endeavor to create web-episodes of our own wacky little puppet shows. So please visit every week to witness the development of our acts.
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