Sunday, March 30

New Cast Members On The Way!

I'm sorry that I haven't posted much lately.
I've been very busy at work.

So here's some updates. Thanks to Jonathan Little, a new Wippet is in production by the name of Wilbur. He's a shy fellow, made with tender loving care. Below are the sketches I did for the puppet, I had the most fun designing this guy, simpler is always better.

I'm really excited about this guy,
I can't wait till his construction is complete,
I've been practicing his voice already.

Also, thanks to Brian Hogg at Hoggworks studios, we will soon have a new puppet named Jerry. He's a rotten salesman, out to swindle you for everything you've got!

In progress photos:

Preliminary design sketches:

And finally, another monster joined our roster this week. Monkalope is a new Jarrod Boutcher creation specifically made for and designed by fellow puppeteer Ben Durrel.

Preliminary design sketches and color schemes:

1 comment:

A-R Dumont said...

I love that preliminary design sketch for Jerry. Also, Monkalope looks awesome!